Sunday, November 29, 2009

How is teasing bad for your hair?

I have heard from a lot of people that teasing (also called back combing) is really bad for your hair. How is bad for your hair?

How is teasing bad for your hair?

The reason teasing is bad for your hair is because your hair has an outer layer called a cuticle. Under a microscope this looks like shingles on a roof. So when you back comb what's actually happening is your lifting that cuticle so it stands out like a cactus thus holding it's self up and giving you body. But if you do it too much the cuticle will eventually break off. think of a roof on a house that's been through a hurricane. So it will cause alot of damage over time.

How is teasing bad for your hair?

yes it bad how bad i don't know i tease my hair but now I'm like a repulsive teaser if that's makes sense to you i use tons and tons of hairspray!!!!!!!

How is teasing bad for your hair?

Very bad! It breaks off the ends. Not very attractive no matter what the hairstyle.

How is teasing bad for your hair?

it's not bad for your hair, as long as you're gentle when you comb it out. also, make sure you comb it out before bed to prevent breakage

backcombing is basically just pushinng the shorter hairs toward the scalp creating a base for the longer hair to sit on giving it volume. you can have your hair texturized to achieve the specific purpose

How is teasing bad for your hair?

Very bad for your hair - particularly if you do it more than say once a month.

When you tease your hair you create notts - and then need to comb the notts out.

Creating the notts by back combing means you need to do low level damage to get the hair to for the nott.

Getting the notts out - apart from hurting like hell requires the you put a comb through it

All of this combined causes serious split ends - and in many people can damage the hair focilical - all that pulling and rough stuff.

How is teasing bad for your hair?

it drys out your hair and increases breakage. generally backcombing you rough up the cuticle of the hair shaft, , think of them like shingles on a roof, they protect your hair and seal in moisture. backcombing lifts them all up * agressive backcombing can scrape them right off, so its permanently damaged* so your hair is exposed to the elements. you NEED to accomdate these new needs for your hair in your conditioning regimine if you respect your hair. also people tend to use lots of hairspray to keep it in place. most hairsprays use alcohol as a solvent, as it dries faster then water, and wont cause reversion. alcohols dissolve your scalps natural oils, further drying out your hair. dry hair becomes brittle, so remvong the snarley knots from your hair can cause breakage. be sure to use a lightweight moisturizing conditioner. lightweight meaning it wont weight hair down, not a light moisturizer, meaning only little moisturizing effect. also give your hair some protein on a rare occassion, and youll be fine, dont let other people scare you, just dont get carried away with backcombing, and treat it very well with conditioner and you shouldnt notice too much damage.

How is teasing bad for your hair?

I've been teasing my hair forever, and I haven't had any problems. I use a good conditioner (I like Pantene) and I get regular trims. I don't use a comb, I back brush my hair for volume, and it doesn't create any knots, just fuller hair. I haven't been doing it as much lately because I've had "big hair" for so long, and now I am basically wearing it natural and straight, with just slight back brushing to the roots for a little lift. Also, my hair is nearly to the waist, and I don't have badly damaged hair. I think it's all in the way you take care of it and keep up good maintenance with a deep conditioner and regular trims.

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